FCC to Public: Boycott Rush and Leave Us Alone!

The FCC is wading into the Conservative Talk Radio debate, dipping its toe in the water just enough to make it seem it is doing its job in protecting the public interest in broadcasting, but not making enough of a ripple to rock the corporate lobbyists’ boat.
Surprisingly, given the general lack of response by the FCC to the general public, the federal agency instantly responded to a March 10th letter from Roger Smith, of the broadcast watchdog Sacramento Media Group.  Smith complained about the gross imbalance of political viewpoints on the public airwaves in Sacramento, citing a study that Clear Channel stations in Sacramento devote 190 hours per week to Right Wing talk, while devoting not a single minute to any other viewpoint (a model perpetuated throughout 90% of the country.)
The FCC responded with the following: 

Rush Limbaugh: Not the Only One with First Amendment Rights

UPDATE March 3, 2012.  Limbaugh is apologizing to Sandra Fluke for his choice of words."

Limbaugh has hurled insults before, but he hasn't apologized. But this time, sponsors are walking away.  No sponsors, no money. No money, no way to pay his $400 million contract. Presto, Clear Channel, which is already on the financial ropes goes bankrupt.

March 2, 2012

Rush Limbaugh does it again...  and of course it comes as no surprise.