URGENT ACTION! Require Broadcasters to report to the Public!

April 19, 2011

The FCC is asking for public comment as to whether broadcasters should continue to be required to submit public files for public inspection.  (This is under the Paperwork Reduction Act.)  Broadcasters say almost nobody looks at the public files anyway, and claim it takes too much time and paper to produce them.  But you and I know the Public Files are critical to the public interest. (And it's part of the media activist toolkit to get the public to monitor their public files routinely.  But let's make sure we have something to monitor!)

FCC Comment Request: http://1.usa.gov/keepfiles 

PLEASE mobilize your people to write the FCC by June 17.   So far, the FCC has received only a few comments from the public.  Let's make sure they receive thousands!  Say we the people need to have public files, but that broadcasters need to post them online This will not only save paper, it will give us easy access to the public interest information to which we are entitled.  (Broadcasters are behind the scenes fighting online posting tooth and nail.   Let's win this battle now.)
Direct all PRA (Paperwork Reduction Act) comments to the Federal Communications Commission via e-mail to PRA@fcc.gov  and Cathy.Williams@fcc.gov .

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information, contact Cathy Williams on (202) 418–2918.

I will be following this situation closely;  please let me know if you have acted, and I will follow with a report.

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